Growing in Christ
Children and Youth

First Presbyterian loves children and strives to support young families! While feeding the faith begins at home, no parent is alone. We take seriously our baptismal promises to nurture our children in the Christian faith. As a community, we desire to support one another, make disciples, and raise future leaders.
We also recognize that, as children grow into adolescence, they are bombarded internally and from the culture around them with many conflicting values, temptations, and unanswered questions. It is a time of many decisions. Our youth programs strive to provide biblical guidance and loving Christian support through mature Christian adults who are willing to serve as role models.
Sunday School
Explorers (Pre-K and Kindergarten) – Following “The Gospel Project” curriculum; Teachers Alpha Barger and Kay McAllister; 3rd floor
Seekers (1st – 4th Graders) – Following “The Gospel Project” curriculum; Teachers Carol Lowder and Sharon Stricker; 3rd floor
Navigators (5th-8th Graders) – Following “Agents of Truth – Exploring Big Questions About God” curriculum; Teachers Tracy and Amelia Caskey; 3rd floor
Voyagers (9th – 12th Graders) – Following Kingdom Quest curriculum; Teacher Michelle Walker
A Church Nursery is available for ages newborn through 4 years old with Nursery Director Irene Davis; 2nd floor
Sunday Morning Worship
We invite and encourage children to participate in the worship service each week. Each Sunday, a volunteer invites younger children to the front of the Sanctuary for a Children’s Message, where they share a moment of fun and learning. The fourth Sunday of each month is designated for the collection of a special “10 Cents a Meal” offering. At the conclusion of the worship service, children are given collection jars to collect change from congregants, emphasizing missions and outreach from a young age. Children up to 4-years-old may meet in the Church nursery with Ms. Irene.
Beginning in 2nd grade, children are invited to serve as Acolytes during the worship service. Reverently bringing lighted candles into the sanctuary and carrying light out of the sanctuary at the conclusion of the worship service reminds the congregation that God is with them as they worship and as they go out into the world.
PraiseMakers Kids’ Choir (for 3-year-olds through 8th graders) bring special music to worship services throughout the year and at special celebrations. PraiseMakers are led by Michelle Walker.
Wednesdays in the Word
Activities and opportunities are available for children and youth of all ages during our Wednesday night ministry. From approximately September – May, dinner is served weekly, beginning at 5:45p.m. PraiseMakers rehearse from 6:00p.m. – 6:30p.m. Then “Journey” Youth groups gather in our Educational Building from 6:30pm – 7:30pm for fun and learning. Explorers participate in Pioneer Clubs, where they learn about God and their place in His world. Seekers and Navigators are learning from “The Case for Christ for Kids,” while Voyagers use “The Case for Christ – Student Edition.”
Special Events
- Each fall, families enjoy a meal and games on the church grounds.
- At our Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing Party in November, our children lead the charge in packing hundreds of shoeboxes!
- Family events are the focus of Easter celebrations each year.
- Youth Sundays give children and youth the ability to lead our worship service periodically.
- Other special events have included Christmas caroling, outings, or productions for our congregation.
Vacation Bible School
Each summer, the children (and adults!) enjoy four or five evenings of fun and spiritual enrichment focused around a common theme. Our VBS begins with a fellowship supper each evening, so you don’t have to rush to feed the family before coming!
Adult Bible Study

Christian Education is the Christ-centered process by which the church proclaims, instructs in, and models the Gospel, Biblical content, and the Christian life and ministry. Toward this end, First Presbyterian offers a variety of educational opportunities.
Sunday School
Traditionally, Sunday School is our primary vehicle for instruction in God’s Word. At First Presbyterian Sunday School is a family affair. Four adult classes are currently available:
Guardians Class: Mainly young adults raising families. Members rotate leading studies. Currently following The Gospel of John study. Meets in Session Room.
Fellowship Class: Led by Pastor Eddie. Studies in books of the Bible. Meets in Fellowship Hall.
Disiciples Class: Led by Frank Gibson. Discussions follow the year-long Bible Reading Plan. Meets on 2nd floor of Educational Building.
Drummond Class: Led by Ron Lisenby. Biblical study. Meets on 2nd floor of Educational Building.
All classes begin at 10:00a.m.
Bible Studies
Wednesdays in the Word – Wednesdays at 5:45p.m. Fall and Spring studies take place in small groups on various topics. The Fall, 2022 study is on The Gospel of John, following Pastor Eddie’s sermon series on the same book. A Fellowship meal is provided each week on a donation basis.
First Presbyterian Bible Study Fellowship – Zoom meeting, Tuesdays at 6:00p.m., September – May. In-depth Bible Study conducted through Bible Study Fellowship.
Focus for Fall, 2022 is “The Divided Kingdom,” focusing on 15 Old Testament Books. Women of all ages – church members and friends – are invited to attend!
Thursday Women’s Bible Study – 10:30 a.m weekly. Otherwise known as the “Bad Girls”, the Thursday morning women’s Bible Study meets weekly at 10:30am at the church. All women are welcome to join them as they study a range of topics, including those especially related to women.
Christian Education Resources
First Presbyterian Church, Kannapolis desires everyone to grow in their Christian faith! The following are links to devotional and educational materials our members have found to be meaningful: